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Reactor for SO2 recovery plant
Reactor for SO2 recovery plant

Aciers Richelieu was commissioned to completely fabricate the main reactor for the sulfur dioxide (SO2) recovery plant. This was an imposing job, where the unusual size of the part required overnight delivery with a specialized transport team, complete with police escort, as well as a team from Hydro-Québec to lift certain electrical wires for the passage of this immense part.

welder in front of a big steel component

reactor made in carbon and stainless steel in a fabrication shop

Material: Carbon steel and stainless steel.

Dimensions: *120' L x 20' diameter

*Manufactured and delivered in 2 parts of 60'L.

It's a source of great pride for us to contribute to reducing our customer's environmental footprint, and to do so for our region. The environmental footprint is a reflection of our impact on the planet, and reducing it is essential to preserving our environment. This achievement is much more than a simple welded fabrication; it's a sense of accomplishment where our actions contribute to reducing environmental impact.

reactor with a transport team in a fabrication shop

steel reactor in preparation for transport

transport truck going out of a fabrication shop with a uge steel componenet
uge steel component being transported in the street
uge steel component in the street
electric cables lifted to let pass uge steel component